martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

First class of CLIL

Hi everybody!

Finally, today we've started our new project called "English Connection" with students of 2nd of ESO.
With this course, we're going to learn Technologies in English an hour a week.

We've started playing a game "The hangman", but in groups. They had to discover the following sentence:


Congratulations to the team number 2! Next day, we'll analyze the relationship between this sentence and technologies.

Afterwards, I've asked them to prepare a short personal introduction, saying their names and whatever information they wanted to give about themselves and technologies or English. They've worked hard. Unfortunately, time has been over, so we'll share our presentations next week.

And everything 100% in English!

I've enjoyed a lot this first class, and I hope they have, too.

See you soon!

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