martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Finishing our 1st exchange work

Hi everybody!

Today we had a hard work. Our students had to create a text file with the computer, type their introductions (they had them on their notebooks) and add their photos, Finally, they had to send their works by edmodo so that I 'll be able to deliver to our Exchange school to be distributed.
As you can imagine, we are in a technology class, so we have included some conditions about the technical part of their work (related to type and size of the font, line spacing or using text justified). It's a pity that we don't have the Office in English, but next year I hope to get it.
In the end, they have had to hurry up, with the typical problems with computers (Teacher, teacher, the file is not attached, I can't download the photo.... ), but there is just one group which hasn´t sent their work properly, so it's a success and I expect to obtain this left work in several days.
Next week we'll start with another unit.
Stay with us!

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