jueves, 14 de junio de 2018

Cyclical Electromechanical Programmer School year 2017/18

One more school year comes to its end. Despite the fatigue and stress of these last weeks, we must congratulate ourselves once again for the effort made to get the end and reach our goals

In this second year of giving our subject in English, it has been time to experiment new methodologies and processes, trying to overcome some problems detected last year. For example, leaving the workshop for the last term prevented us from developing those more practical contents with the necessary calm and attention. The same happened with the contents of electricity.

So, in order to try to solve this, we started working on project from the first term, every Friday. However, finally we have had the same problem. Many of the groups have finished their projects late, fast and running. Sometimes the perspective that there is a lot of time left for the end lead students to invest too much time in the accessory (such as sanding and painting) and little for the essentials (mounting the mechanisms and the electrical circuit). This is known as "Procrastination" and there are interesting theories about it. I'm afraid I'll have to tighten up on the deadlines next year.

Nevertheless, all the groups finished their projects, so we can feel satisfied with the result.

This year, and following the idea of "Continous improvement", we have introduced new steps in the process of designing the project:

  • Analysis of similar cases: studying projects of other years (online and in the workshop)
  • Ladder of feedback activity: expose and discuss initial designs with other groups to clarify and improve them
  • Draw plans of the project using a software for Technical Drawing: Cadstd
  • Self and Peer assessment: intermediate and at the end of the school year.
  • Intermediate assessment for the report: before building there has been a break to check our designs and improve them.
  • Rotating roles in the groups throughout the school year.
  • Final exhibition of projects, explaining how they fulfill (or not) the compulsory and optional conditions. First we have exposed in class, and later to the groups of 2nd of ESO trying to prevent our schoolmates from making the same mistakes we made.

All of them have been very satisfactory but it is true that they consume time, which in this case has had to be detrimental to other parts of the subject. This year we haven't had time to study the unit of hardware and operating systems. Instead, we have gone much deeper into the contents of electricity.

Here you are the description of the main elements of projects of this year:

- Transmision of motion

Most of the groups used a simple worm gear system to reduce the speed of the electric motor

There were groups that added an extra reduction system to their projects to get more control to the final result. They have used pulleys with belt and gears with chain.

- Moveable element and switches

Most of the groups chose cans as moveable elements, and metal sheets as switches

But there are groups this year that chose disks as moveable element. It was a bit more difficult to adjust the wires to keep in contact with the disk.

- Receivers

This is the space for creativity!

- Cinema:

- Car race:

- Don Quixote and windmills

- Stars in the sky

-Clock towers and cars

- A house: 

- Or the habitual traffic light

My congratulations to everybody. I am sure it has been a great experience of working together, in a common project and with a product to show and be proud of it.

Finally, here it is the video with some of the projects working. Despite all the problems it is necessary to face, everything is compensated by the feeling of seeing the project working

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Julie Newmar: Inventor of the pantys


Julia Chalene Newmeyer was born in Los Angeles, the 16th of August 1933. She is now 84 years old.

From an early age, she studied piano, classical ballet and dance. She graduated from high school when she was 15. She became prima ballerina for the Los Angeles opera.

She entered the university of UCLA scoring a 99 in the entrance exam. There, she intended to study piano, French and philosophy. But she stayed there for only six weeks because she switched to Universal Studios to be a choreographer, teacher, and dance double.  
Julie Newmar acted in Broadway musicals, which made her famous. That allowed her to obtain the role of "Cat Woman" in Batman.

Click here to watch a video explaining more about her life


In the 70s Newmar invented the pantys and in the 80s she started selling them.

She needed tights that looked good on her, that didn't flatten her bottom. Her solution to that was inventing some tights herself. She cut the panties diagonally to the fabric thread and turned the central seam into elastic.




lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

PASTY O'CONNELL SHERMAN: Scotchgard protect



Resultado de imagen de patsy o'connell shermanPasty O'Connell Sherman was born on 15th September 1930 in Minneapolis. She studied in Gustavus Adolphus College. According to the results of her tests, people thought that she must be a housewife. She asked to do the tests for boys and that results showed that she was really good in science. 

Later she became a chemist and joined to a company called 3M. In 1952 she co-invented Scothgard with Samuel Smith. They received their first prize together in 1972. Along her life she received seventeen prizes, thirteen of them shared with Samuel. Pasty worked for forty years in 3M and she was a managerial in the company. 

In 1992 she stopped working. Pasty married and had two daughters who loves the science too. One of them is a chemist and the other is a biologist. Pasty died on 11th February 2008 in Minnesota.


Resultado de imagen de scotchgardPasty was in a proyect to discover a resistant rubber material to the deterioration of plane fuel;but instead of this she discovered a new fluorochemical compounds.

In 1956 3M company took to the market "scotchgard protect".It's a polymer that repels spots and water in waves. This product makes a invisible obstacle which protects it from possible spots, it keeps the same waves's properties,and it's ordoress and particular because is the only one that resists oil spots. When some liquid falls down but there is scotchgard you can clean it with a towel and without leaving remains.

Blanca López and Tania Azabal, 3ºC

We have searched this information here:

JOSEPHINE COCHRANE: the dishwasher

Resultado de imagen de josephine cochrane

Josephine Cochrane was born in Astibula county,Ohio,U.S.A.,
 the 8/03/1839.

Husband: William Cochran
Josephine's children: Hallie Cochran and Katherine Cochran
Josephine' parents: Irene Fitch Garis and John Garis
Sister:Irene Garis Ramson

She grew up in Valparaiso, Indiana (U.S.A.). She studied in a private school until it got burn.
Later, Josephine moved to Illinois and she got married with William Cochran. When William
was 45, he died, and because of that, she changed her surname adding an "E".

She died in Chicago, U.S.A. the 3/!0/1913. 

Resultado de imagen de dishwasher of cochraneJoe Houghton designed a dishwasher that worked due to the movement of a handle.
In 1860 L.A. improved the device, these were particularly effective.
Josephine designed the first model of her dishwasher on the hut of her home. George butters,
a mechanic, helped her with the construction.

To make it, she measured plates and cups, then, she designed its compartments and, 
finally, she introduced an engine which moved the mechanism. This dishwasher was the first one 
that use pressure water.

She showed her invention at "The Universal Exhibition of Chicago" in 1893, and it won the price of 
"The best mechanical construction, durable and adapted to the pace of work"
Her factory business began in 1897.
It was an innovative invention that had many reputation and it influenced a lot in that time


sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018

Tabitha Babbitt: The Circular Saw

                          tabitha babbitt 

Tabitha babbitt was born on December 9 , 1779 in Hardwich , Massachusetts and she died on December 10 , 1853 in Harvard  Massachusetts.

Daughter of Seth and Elisabeth Babbit who were members of Shakers comunity.

She was a weaver and member of the community .

She invented the spinning wheel , false teeth and the most importantly the circular saw. 

One day while she was weaving she saw two man cutting wood and she realized that half of his moves were wasted.

three years later in 1813 she made a circular saw this saw was connected to a water powered machine to reduce the effort of cutting wood.

But she didn't legalize a man did it so there are assumptions that she didn't make it .

Thanks to the invention of the circular saw made the trade much easier.

who were the Shakers : it was a religious community and pioneer 


viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018


Ruth Handler was born in Denver,USA, the 4th of november 1916.
And she died the 27th of april 2002 in Los Angeles,USA.
Ruth studied in the University of Denver
She got married with Elliot Handler
She was the president of the company Mattel, Inc.The company of the Barbie doll
Ruth is american and she lived in Denver and California

She is the inventor of the Barbie doll.The Barbie doll is known for all of her jobs.Doctor Barbie,spy Barbie,astronaut Barbie...etc.
This is a toy focused on the little girls.
Resultado de imagen de barbieResultado de imagen de barbieResultado de imagen de barbie

There are films,series,viedogames
This is a trailer of one of her films:

And this is a short reportage of the barbie doll with
interviews to Ruth and her family

This are the websites where I take infrmation:

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018


Imagen relacionada STEPHANIE    KWOLEK                                                                      

 Born in New Kingston, Pennsylvania since childhood showed skills in science and mathematics even though she wanted to be a designer because her mother she continued advancing in science throughout her life.

He discovered on 1965 Kevlar accidentally doing experiments with polymers on Dupont company.Kevlar is a molecule that can allow high temperatures and is -5 stronger than the steel.
It is used for bulletproof vests and helmets, construction of plane parts, optical wires, climbing cords, canoes ... and much more. 

In 1995, she received the Lavoisier Medal award from her own company and in 1994 she joined the National Inventors Hall of Fame, being the fourth woman to obtain such recognition. It was also awarded on 1996-1997 the National Medal of Technology and the Perkin Medal of the American Chemical Society.




Vista previa del vídeo Museum of Science Stephanie Kwolek de YouTube

Museum of Science Stephanie Kwolek

Sandra Grijalba y Samuel Charlez

Martha Coston - The maritime flare

M A R T H A    C O S T O N

B i o g r a p h y 

Martha Coston was born on 12th December 1826 in Baltimore, Maryland and the 9th July 1904 she died because of aging. She was an important inventor in the maritime world - she invented the maritime flare.

First, Martha met a young inventor called Benjamin Franklin, and they soon fell in love with each other. Later, at the age of 14, Martha got married with the 19-year-old boy. After this, they had four children. And desfortunately, Benjamin died very early - when Martha was 21.

After this tragedy, this young woman, her mother and her children moved to another city. Again, another tragedy happened, her mother and two of her children died.

I n v e n t i o n

This woman was without money when she decided to resume her husband's investigation that was to find something to use in case of aid in the sea - he did some plans with graphics and signals. She made those signals more intense and lasting. So finally, she got  the maritime flare.

As a matter fact, when the Titanic sank, the flares were thrown to the sea, but there was a problem: if they had thrown the red flares instead of the white ones, they would have alerted the nearest vessel, and they could have rescued the people inside the Titanic, so the flare could have saved hundreds of lifes.

Another important highlight in Martha's life was in the second Word War. Then, she did a lot to mobilize the resources of the Republic to help the Soviet Union against the Nazi Germany.

So Martha was a good inventor, but she also was a very good person, who helped a lot.

By Ana Perigot and Elena Mocé.

Marion Donovan: diapers


Marion donovan was born on 15 of October 1917 in USA, Indiana and she died on 4 of November 1998 in NY.

She studied English literature at the university of Rosewant, in Philadelphia, where she graduated in 1939.

She get married to James Donovan and the new couple moved to Westport, Connecticut.

In 1946 their first daughter was born and that’s why Marion Donovan fought against the washable diapers and their inconveniences.

Resultado de imagen de marion donovan


In 1946 she decided to solve the problem that women had. They had to wash their children’s diapers.

First, she made a waterproof model of the diaper made by fabric of a parachute. In 1949 she manage to present request to obtain the patent and started to commercialize it.

The diapers were called “Boaters” and she obtained the patent on 12 of June 1951.

It was a huge success and two years later she had oferts for more than two million dollars.

Other invents were the dental thread, elastic rubber and ham holder.

Pedro and Ian

We can't put the no comercial image because there isn´t any image of she.

Katherine Blodgett: non reflecting glass

Katherine Blodgett
Resultado de imagen de katherine blodgettBiography
She was born in January 10th 1898 in Schenectady, New York.
Her father was shot just before she was born by a thief who broke in the house. And in 1901, the family moved to France.
They went back to Schenectady in 1912, then, she matriculated in a private school.
She went to college on Chicago, and did her thesis about gas masks, and that document was published on the Physical Review magazine. In 1926 she got her PhD.
Finally, she started working in General Electrics (the same company her father worked in) on the scientific research department. There, she worked with mono molecular covers for surfaces 
didn't reflected as many light as normal glass.
During her life, she registered 10 inventions and published 30 scientific papers. 
She died in October 12th 1979 in Schenectady New York.

Non reflecting glass
Non reflecting glass is normal glass treated with the process Katherine invented in General Electrics.
This glass does not reflect light, so it's really confortable to make things you have to look throught with this material (lens: glasses, telescopes, microscopes...).

In this picture, we see that the glasses above are not treated, but the glasses under them are, and we can see throught much better.


By Marcelo and Lucia

EDITH FLANIGEN: Zeolites as oil refiners


She is a well-known chemist, famous for her work with Zeolites used to refine petroleum.


Edith Flanigen was born on 28th, January 1929 in Buffalo, New York. She got into the chemistry world at an early age thanks to her teacher at school- sister Mary, and developed her skills in D’Youville collegue, where she graduated with top marks. Edith went on studying chemistry at Syracuse University and got her master degree. 

Once she finished her studies, she joined Union Carbide company (in Tonawanda) and first started working with silicone polymers and afterwards with molecular sieves (materials of uniform size pores). From 1988 she worked for Honeywell UOP (a petroleum refining company) until she retired in 1994, but she remained as a consultant.

 Along her career, she has invented more than 200 different synthetic substances and awarded 109 patents.


Edith began working on molecular sieves in 1956. This are crystalline structures with lots of pores capable to purify complex mixtures/substances. 
Edith promote the field of molecular sieves by developing Zeolites (molecular sieves) as eficient oil refiners. This consists of transforming the initial oil into more elaborated and useful products, like gasoline and diesel. This development made her famous and in 2014 she received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation because of her work with Zeolites and her brilliant career.

Picture of Zeolites used in the process of Refining petroleum. Taked from:
Zeolita. (2017, 27 de diciembre). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 16:33, febrero 15, 2018 desde https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zeolita&oldid=104494014.


We think it’s important to promote women in science as the field is mainly dominated by men. We have to keep studying, working and improving ourselves so the science world can have more Edith Flanigens, Marie Curies, María Blascos and more to come.   ;)

Leonor Elcid and Violeta Ibargüen, 3ºC      😀