jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017

The Lightning rod


 INVENTOR: Benjamin Franklin

 YEAR: It was invented in 1752.

Resultado de imagen de benjamin franklin
Resultado de imagen de pararrayos


It is used to protect structures from lightning strikes.

It’s not very expensive.

It is still used nowadays, so it is very efficient.

They don’t take up much space.

They can cover up to 200 metres in diameter.


In the 70s there was a type of lightning rod (radioactive 

lightning rod) that affected people's health and polluted a 

lot. But in 1989 this type of lightning rod was banned, so 

contemporary lightning rods are safe. 

Created by Pavel Burlacu, Manuel Gorostiza and Nicolas Cousillas

1 comentario:

  1. Excellent!
    Remember that there is a more formal way to cite wikipedia sites.
    The picture of the lightning rod is not free to use.
    NIcolas and Manuel had to stay with you while you were publishing this post.
