viernes, 14 de junio de 2024


 After more than 5 years without going to the workshop, this school year we have changed our project in 3rd ESO.

This project is quite simple and purely electric. The students had to create a "house" with manual controls for a buzzer, a lamp and a motor, simulating the lights, fan or bell in a house.

In a later stage of the project, they do the same by using an Arduino Board and sensors, so that they can check the differences and the evolution of electricity with the introduction of electronics components.

This project has been made in pairs or groups of three.

These are the conditions to accomplish:


DESIGN AND BUILD a Non Smart Home with the following CONDITIONS:


    •  Maximum dimensions: (0.75p) 
      • Height: 150 mm
      • Width: 210 mm
      • Depth: 200 mm
    • It includes a bell, a bulb and a motor (fan) to be acted independently by a push button and two swittches. (4,5p)
    • Its structure must be stable, rigid and resistant (0,75p)

    •  Hidden circuitry (0,75p)
    •  Light design and material saving (0,75p)
    •  Accessibility to change spare parts: battery, bulb,… (0.75p)
    •  Original design (0,75p)
    •  Aesthetic: finish and paint (1p)


    Some groups decided not to make things difficult and chose basic smart homes



    In this case, they add a door and some walls.

    There are a bit more decorated examples:


     These are more fashioned homes:


    Some are really original and cute.




    The idea of home has been not clear for other groups, which decided to be more creative


    Here you are an example of project working.


    Anyway, it is a fantastic experience to design and create something from zero, and check the result at the end of the process. 

    Good work and good summer for everybody!!

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