She was born on 8 may 1849 in Pforzheim ,Germany and she passed away 5 may 1944 in Ladenburg ,Germany.
She was a businesswoman and a motor racing driver.
She was a German automotive pioneer.
Her real name was Bertha Ringer and her husband (Karl Benz) was the inventor of the automobile,
they had 5 children.
In August of 1988 without telling her husband and without permission from the authorities, Bertha took her children with her in the new Benz Patern-Motorwagen.
Since Mannheim to Pforzheim ,becoming the first person to drive a car in a considerable distance.
In base of this trip they improved many new things in the car.
reference web:
· chrome://newtab/

reference web:
· chrome://newtab/
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