jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019


 Patricia Era Bath, best known as Patricia Bath was born on 4th November of 1942 in Manhattan, New York. She is an ophtalmologist , inventor, humanist and American academic. Patricia always stood out with her grades at school. Bath applied for and won a grant from the "National Science Foundation" while attending school. This led her to do a research project at "Yeshiva University" and "Harlem Central Hospital", which studied the connections between cancer, nutrition and stress. 
Resultado de imagen de patricia bathIn 1960, when she was still a teenager, Bath won the " Merit Award" in "Mademoisellle Magazine" for her contribution on the project.
Resultado de imagen de laserphacoShe moved to Washington D.C  to attend University Howard College to receive her doctorate in 1968. Bath was a pionneer throughout  the world in the discipline of "Community Ophtalmology" , developed by volunteers, which facilitates the necessary eye care for disadvantaged people. She was a resident in ophtalmology at the University of New York from 1970 to 1973.
Bath holds four patents in the USA. In 1981, she conceived the "Laserphaco Probe", a medical device that improves the use of lasers to eliminate cataracts, and for ablation and extraction of cataracts lenses. The device was completed in 1986, after Bath investigated about lasers in Berlin and patented it in 1988.


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