· Birth: She was born on the 23th, July of 1844. In Buffalo, United States of America.
· Death: Harriet died on the 6th, September of 1926 (age of 82), because of a traffic accident. In Los Angeles County, California.
· Studies: She was educated at private schools. She also studied water problems, including the control of floodwaters and water storage.
· Place of residence: In 1861 she and her family moved from Buffalo, New York to Carson City, Nevada.
· Events of the
inventor's life:
-She has two awards for her inventions at the Universal Exhibition of Chicago in 1893.
-She has been inducted into the National Women's Hall (2001) of Fame and the National Inventors Hall of Fame (2016).
Harriet was married with Charles Lymanat, at the age of 19. Charles committed suicide after a few failed business ventures in 1887. They had four daughters (Harriet, Mary, Geargina and Nelle).
· Invention:

On the 6th, November of 1894, Harriet obtained another for a new method for seizing debris and storing water.
She also proposed the construction of a series of dams in the great canyon of the Colorado River to conserve water for irrigation and to produce electricity.
These innovations allowed the construction of the Hoover dam and the All-American canal.
· Video:
· Resources:
Mariela Terrer van Gool - 3º ESO C
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